The most important words are spread across the collection meaning you get a 15% increase in comprehension with each book you read.
We show each verb in all of its conjugations so you can pick up these tenses through context.
The top 1000 most frequent words make up ~85% of speech. Our books guarantee that you learn these critical words.
Studies show we fully learn a word if we read it in context 12 times. Our books guarantee this so you're never stuck forgetting.
Each chapter has a guide showing you how to pronounce each word. IPA is way linguists perfectly show the pronunciation of words.
Our new Weeve book collections are the best way to get started at a language. We will take you from zero understanding all the way to 80% with just 3 adored classics. Check them out!
Shop WeeveOur books come packed with Vocabulary tables and pronunciation guides giving you the confidence to use the words you come across within your story.
Everybody hates these elements of language. Weeve dispenses with boring memorisation and grammar exercises and teaches you the right way. Within the context of a story you enjoy.
After reading our Beginner Weeve series you can follow onto our Elementary Weeve series. Here you can read up to 60% of the most important words & phrases in your target language.